Video nudge to Connect and Raise Spirits

Video nudge to Connect and Raise Spirits

Quick video nudge from me and my twin sis

Here’s a quick video I recorded with my twin sister in my family garden today….we had been for a walk earlier and came across this gorgeous garden of daffodils and view just down the road from us.

The video says it all – it’s just over 2 minutes long and I hope, despite the very troubling times, it will raise a smile.

I also share an important message, which I have been sharing in my nudges for a good while now. 

The very nature that we are seeing spring back to life as the earth takes a breather lives in us too. We are not separate from the intelligence and resilience of nature, it naturally lives in us.

That is the most comforting thought for me, and I hope for you too. So when your mind starts to stir up (and we’re all experiencing that right now), my hope is you can take a breath, and rather look to your innate wisdom and resilience that is working away inside you, even if it might not feel like it.

Two quick pics of our cooking attempts!

While we’re spending our time in isolation, my sister (note not me … although I’ve promised I will give it a go …!?) has made this wonderful bread, and coffee cake. Lovely to be able to share the bread with our neighbours, and they very kindly shared their farm egg with us.

As I said in an Instagram post yesterday, I wouldn’t have wished this virus on anyone. But the kindness of neighbours and friends at this time has been so wonderful…people’s true nature at its very best and something to be forever appreciative of.

Please do share this with anyone who you feel could benefit from a friendly nudge, and a smile.

Sending much love to you and yours at this time.

All the best for now


PS Here’s a couple of other ways that I hope might help to raise your spirits, and particularly for those of you feeling especially anxious at this time…

1 My free Living in the Flow email series, a good introduction to this understanding I share about the nature of thought to help you experience greater peace of mind.

2 Check out my blog here ‘Trawl for Gold on The River where I share lots more on how to have a different relationship with your thoughts, and tap into your innate resilience and wisdom.

Navigating Stressful Times

Navigating Stressful Times

Navigating stressful times

There’s a lot going on in the world at the minute isn’t there? So I I wanted to send a nudge about navigating stressful times.

When over 15 people I’ve never met sign up for my ‘How to Reduce Stress’ .pdf guide on Facebook within 3 days, that alone tells me people are struggling at the moment.

Anyone who has been reading my ‘nudges’ for a good while now knows that I’ve moved away from sharing strategies, techniques or ‘how to checklists’, and rather spend my time pointing people towards two things:

1 their own wellbeing and innate wisdom, which I’ve come to see resides in all of us, and is always working away for us regardless of our situation, and

2 we’re only ever living in the feeling of our thinking, not our outside circumstances, and because all thought is fluid and transient – and fresh thought is always coming in – it makes less sense to get too caught up in it.

So how does that help in stressful times I hear you shout …!?

And that was definitely me when I first came across this new understanding of the way our mind works, which I’m not going to go into detail about now. Instead, I want to share what I have found definitely does not work.

To keep stirring the pot

So often the first thing we do when we don’t like something that’s happened, or feel scared or threatened, is go into overdrive trying to figure out what to do in an effort to give ourselves a sense of control, certainty or security. And the more stirred up our thinking gets, the more stressful we can start to feel.

I’m reminded of that film ‘Bridge of Spies’ with Tom Hanks and Mark Rylance set in the Cold War. Mark Rylance plays a spy who has defected to the US, and Tom Hanks plays the lawyer who is defending him in a US court.The time comes where they are walking towards the border for Tom Hanks to hand back the spy to the Russian authorities in return for them releasing a US one. They have become good friends and, as they’re walking, Tom Hanks’ character asks “aren’t you worried about what’s going to happen to you?” To which Mark Rylance replies “would it help?”

That highlights so well to me how there is the situation or factual issue at hand, and then there are all the layers of thinking we can so innocently place on top. And before we know it, we experience all that thinking that causes us to feel stressed, and can feel so very real when it’s happening, but only serves to muddy up our minds right at the point a clear mind would be more beneficial.

Future predicting or past ruminating

Meditation and mindfulness are the big buzz words these days to help us stay in the present, rather than ‘future predicting’, or ‘past ruminating’ as I call it. I’m all for what works for us as individuals, but personally, I’m not great at forcing my mind not to think things.

The whole premise of meditation and mindfulness is to help quieten the mind, and that’s where I see the value in it.

Because when we have less on our mind, we leave room for fresh thought and insights to come in … space to listen for those quieter nudges – or common sense wisdom as I call it to do its job. And that can be so much less stressful than getting caught up in our busy, noisy thinking, which so often only takes us off down the rabbit hole and keeps us stuck.

Inner resourcefulness

The other thing that I find has changed so much for me is seeing that we all have an inner resourcefulness that comes into its own in real time.

Just think of an occasion when you imagined something happening, and believed you would never be able to handle it, and yet you did. Or a time when you had everything planned out just so and yet life had other ideas, and things turned out for the better.

THAT’s what I’m referring to with our innate wisdom. Our ability to rise to the occasion in real time in ways we cannot possibly imagine in advance!

These three things have led to me and my clients navigating stressful times with much more grace and ease, and my hope is you’ll see something for yourself in them too.

Have a lovely weekend.

All the best for now


PS If you are experiencing stressful times at the minute, or have a tendency to overthink, here are a couple of things you might find helpful when you’re ready.

1 My free Living in the Flow email series, a good introduction to this understanding I share about the nature of thought to help you experience greater peace of mind.

2 The Miraculous Book Club – a new, on line, virtual group I’ve been running based on an I’ve written sharing insights into this understanding. You’ll find all the details at a private page when you click on the link and enter the password BOAT. We’re just finishing up this month, but I’ll be announcing the next one soon, so just drop me a line if you’d like more info.

The ‘P’ Word that Changes Everything for the Better

The ‘P’ Word that Changes Everything for the Better

Well we’re over two weeks into the new decade already, and I hope the new year has got off to a good start for you.

Before the busyness takes over

Although I’m not a big proponent of resolutions, a part of my work I enjoy is allowing myself, and the people I work with, some space to reflect on what went well, or made us happy, in the previous year, and what we found less enjoyable. I don’t overthink this, but rather allow things to come to mind.

Then, depending on the feeling they evoke, I get a pretty good idea of what I want to experience more or less of going forward. Notice I’m not talking in terms of what worked or failed, which feels pressurised to me. Nor am I talking about creating a shopping lists of ‘shoulds’, which resolutions are so often based on. Rather, the simple test is do I feel naturally drawn to take action, or engage, in this or don’t I, and if not, I either drop it completely, or let it go for now knowing a natural momentum will strike when action just feels easier.

Three ‘P’ words that get in the way

Before I reveal the helpful ‘P’ word, there are three other words starting with P that can so often get in the way of this natural momentum I’m describing: procrastination, perfectionism and people pleasing. And I’ve experienced all three, although less so these days! I’d get an idea and often before I’d even taken a single action one of these would rear their head. Then I’d start dragging my heels or get so caught up in a story of why x or y wasn’t such a good idea after all that I’d end up doing nothing.

The helpful ‘P’ word

But that’s all changed these days now that I see all three of these words for what they really are: simply different labels for overthinking. And the P word that’s helped the most now whenever my thoughts start to go into overdrive is pause. Because to pause allows a space to open up before my thoughts take me off down a rabbit hole. I often refer to it as the space within the moment, or between thoughts, where it becomes easier to hear the call of those quieter nudges and rather follow those.

A bit more of a push

It’s all the potential to be gained from that pause that I’ve written about in my new and am wanting to share in the Miraculous Book Club, which I wrote to you about on Friday. How much lighter and easier it feels to engage in life from that quieter space from which a different wisdom can be heard, versus our noisy, so often limited, personal thoughts!

I used to offer three coaching packages: a gentle nudge, a bit more of a push and a kick up the a***! You’d be surprised how often people said that they needed the latter! But for now, see this as a bit more of a push to check out the Miraculous Book Club – just click on the link and enter the password BOAT to see the details. I’d love you to join us, and any questions do just hit reply and ask away.

All the very best


PS We kick off on Monday 20 January so if you feel that inner nudge I hope you’ll follow it and trust in that natural momentum!

A nudge and Invitation to Live More in that ‘Friday’ Feeling

A nudge and Invitation to Live More in that ‘Friday’ Feeling

I hope you had a lovely break, and the new year has got off to a good start for you.

I’m sharing my new year message in the pic above, which I love! Taken from the cover of a little notebook I was given for Christmas* … it just feels so much lighter than the heaviness of resolutions or goals.

Happy new decade! That sounds both wonderfully exciting and a little unbelievable to me that we are now in the year 2020!?

So far I’ve managed not to get too caught up in any usual busyness in this first week. In fact, I was thinking today how nice it would be to live more in that ‘Friday’ feeling, and how these days I spend so much more of my time doing just that.

Invitation to the Miraculous Book Club

This year, my dream is to help more people to experience that too. And, as I mentioned in my last nudge, I’ve written a little to share some BIG insights to help bring that about.

So, this is your invitation to take part in the Miraculous Book Club, which I’m launching.

First some quick background. I previously ran a group programme called ‘100 Days to Create Something Miraculous’. We had a wonderful time exploring how to engage in a more lighthearted way with something we’d love to create.

But the main premise was for me to share insights into a new understanding of how we work, which sees people experiencing way less stress and worry, and instead enjoying far greater freedom and peace of mind.

The shares the insights into this new understanding that we experienced, and that have made the world of difference to the people I work with and me. I’ve called it ‘Miraculous Change – 15 Miracle nudges to More Effortlessly Make the Changes You Want in Your Life’. Because the more I looked in a different direction for how we create our experience, the more miraculous life started to feel.

The Miraculous Book Club will run just like a usual book club, but will be virtual! It’s an opportunity to immerse yourself in a new understanding of the way we tick. To put both your intellect and all your preconceived concepts or ideas about yourself to one side and engage with a completely open mind.

You’ll find all the details at a private page when you click on the link below and enter the password BOAT. And if it talks to you, even if just in a quiet whisper, my hope is you’ll follow that inner nudge and join us.

If you have any questions at all, please do just ask and I’ll come back to you.

Really hoping this strikes a chord, and look forward to hearing from you.

Here’s to living more in that ‘Friday’ feeling!

All the very best


PS Life is short and time is precious, hence my dear wish to share these insights into an easier way of living and being and navigating our way in the world. I am also conscious that 2019 was a tough one for many so if you are struggling at the minute, my hope is you’ll consider this invitation to gain some new perspectives going into this new year for experiencing a different relationship with your thoughts.

PPS For those of you who have already signed up, please just click on the link and follow the next steps – can’t wait to get going!


(*Created by @rosiemadeathing)
A Gentle nudge for the Holidays

A Gentle nudge for the Holidays

Just winding down for the holidays, and loving the Christmas tree at home this year!

I want to wish you a really happy, relaxing and peaceful holidays, and also thank you for being a part of my nudgeme world. In these days of everyone fighting for our attention, I really appreciate the time you spend with me.

I hope you have got something out of my nudges during the year and found them useful.

Gentle nudge …

My gentle nudge going into the holidays would be simply this.

To remember that we are all doing the very best we can with the level of thinking that looks real to us in any moment … until it doesn’t. (Aka cut yourself and the people you love some slack.)

And to trust in that deeper part inside all of us where our innate wisdom resides, and is always working away for us … even in those times when stressful situations, or worry for loved ones, might be causing us to feel otherwise.

That wisdom, or intelligence of our true nature, is constantly providing us with a never ending source of fresh thought, creativity and resilience. And, as I’ve come to know, comes through more easily when our minds are quieter.

So when your thinking starts to get stirred up or triggered over the holidays, I find it comforting to see there is only one thing to remember. Give your thinking some space to settle down, and, in that space, you’ll allow for better, wiser thought to come through, which invariably leads to knowing just what to do.

All best wishes for now.


PS Look forward to being in touch again in 2020 about my new of nudges for living more in your life and less in your thoughts in the new decade! I’ll be launching my virtual book club for it, probably kicking off around 20 January, and promise, not a New Year’s resolution in sight!

PPS I am even more conscious this year that Christmas (and other holidays celebrated) are not always the easiest of times. If you are struggling at the minute, my hope is this nudge will provide some comfort, and perhaps a new perspective for experiencing a different relationship with your thoughts. I share more on this in a short e.mail series of nudges here, which you might find helpful.


A Quick Weekend nudge

A Quick Weekend nudge

The intelligence of nature

I heard a wonderful radio interview recently with a woman who runs a large farm here in the UK. She was describing how she had taken the decision to stop traditional farming methods to cultivate part of her land and, instead, turn it over to nature.

Much to the consternation of her neighbours, the land became quickly overrun by thistles, which spread and spread. Just as she was seriously questioning her decision, and finding it hard not to intervene, the most amazing thing happened. She woke up one morning to see thousands of butterflies feeding off the thistles and doing their thing.

This so reminded me of the amazing intelligence of nature, and the capacity for something beautiful to be created out of nowhere.

Living from that same intelligence

So often I think we can see ourselves as not being part of that same intelligence, almost like nature is somehow separate from us. When in fact, I’ve come to see, the exact opposite.

That when we too are coming from our true nature, we can tap into that same innate capacity for intelligence or wisdom, which is in all of us. For me that manifests as that ‘knowing’ feeling, beyond the intellect, when something just comes to you, often out of the blue, which is just right for whatever situation or circumstance you’re living through.

But, so often we get in our own way in our impatience to speed things up, or desire to be in control or have certainty. And much like this woman who so nearly interfered in nature taking its course on her land, we interfere through overthinking, worrying, stressing or endlessly debating what we perceive as being an issue or problem.

So, my Friday nudge is if you’re experiencing any kind of struggle or situation that’s causing you stress (and let’s face it in a week off an election here in the UK, I know a fair few people who have concerns …) then just stop for a moment and let your mind settle down. Turn over your thinking to your innate intelligence, and in that quieter space, see what new insights occur.

In my experience, we are naturally designed for new insight, and when we look more in the direction of our true nature and the unknown, versus what we already know and our intellect, much like those butterflies, amazing things come about.

Have a lovely weekend.

PS I’ve written a short book with some big insights into how we can live more from this intelligence. I’ll be launching a virtual book club to share it in the New Year! So if kicking off a new decade free of busyness and stress sounds good, then look out for more info to follow!