Happy Christmas
Just a short and sweet email to wish you a peaceful and relaxing holidays, including a pic of the traditional Christmas Light Up on my Marine and boat where I live!
It was lovely to hear from so many of you following my last nudge About Believing your Thoughts, and I look forward to connecting more via my nudges in the New Year.
When I was pondering what nudge to share today, I was drawn to go back to a previous nudge I sent a few years back at Christmas where I shared a well known, funny, short YouTube video called ‘The Nothing Box’.
I know communications with our important people can sometimes be a bit stressful leading up to and over the holidays. So, in the spirit of wishing everyone as stress free time as possible, this is an amusing take on how men and women can communicate differently!
Watching it again today, I still laughed out loud, albeit it struck me that it’s perhaps less helpful these days to focus on what makes us different, and way more helpful to embrace what makes us similar.
And one thing I’ve come to see is that we all have access to a Nothing Box.
Or, as I share in my work, a space inside where we can always go to experience a quieter state of mind, and from there we invariably find ourselves surfacing refreshed and more easily seeing how best to communicate!
I hope the video raises a smile or two for you, as well as a gentle nudge to remind you of your Nothing Box, and how helpful it can be to know it’s there anytime you need it.
Wishing you a lovely Christmas, and here’s to a wonderful New Year for us all.
Warmest best wishes and love