Happy New Year nudge
Happy New Year
This was sunrise this morning at my mother’s home in Berkshire, and I raced upstairs to capture it out of the window. Having been pondering a New Year nudge, it immediately made me think of a fresh, new day in this brand New Year, and spurred me on to write. I hope you’ve had a good first week of 2024.
Thought is great…thinking is overrated
This thought has been playing around my edges this week as I’ve wondered what might be helpful to share.
As you’ll know from previous nudges (if you’ve been around for a while) I see Thought as a wonderful tool that helps us all to navigate life. Its very nature is neutral, ever changing and transitory, and will come and go unless our personal thinking breathes life into it…or gives one thought a particular meaning over another. Thus it can be used for or against ourselves, and when it’s the latter it can be less than helpful.
And I’m talking about when our thinking takes us off down rabbit holes of overthinking situations, or endless back and forths of problem solving, or making decisions, which can so often end up with increasing worry, anxiety and stress levels. And once we’re on those stirred up trains of thought we can quickly find ourselves going in the wrong direction.
Give the train to stirred up thoughts a miss
So how to stop all that this year. My message is simple (albeit not so simple to always put into practice…) give the train to stirred up thoughts a miss. Just like we can choose a train to a place where we’d like to go – the destination – and where we might get off en route. The train will pass through many thought stations, some we might want to jump off at and spend some time and others we don’t fancy, but it’s up to us to decide to jump off or not. And even if we do get off and find out we don’t like it, we can always take a different connection, or get on a new thought train.
Feeling vs thinking your way this year
Journeys used to feel so much easier when I knew where I was going, and I used to be a past master at needing to know! But these days, it’s so much nicer to simply head in the direction of what I feel like and then see what shows up. Take a step and then see what next step is revealed as I go. Trusting how I feel, rather than think, to guide me.
As I’ve shared in previous nudges, I’ve learnt we all have a natural, inbuilt guidance system that’s constantly on. That feeling of knowing, clarity, innate wisdom coming in real time, when our next step is just obvious. Living from that feeling rather than noisy, stressful thinking is way more preferable – not to mention reliable even if we can’t exactly control when we’ll know!
And you’ll know the difference between knowing and thinking you know by the way it feels. The latter tends to feel tight and constricted where the former feels spacious, enlivening and just right!
I hope you’ll tune more into your ‘knowing’ signal, inner GPS, this year, while enjoying the gift of Thought for what it is.
Until the next time, wishing you (and the world…) a more peaceful, gentle and joyful New Year.
All the very best for now
If you want to ‘live more in your life and less in your thoughts’ this year then I share more in my Living in the Flow mini series. Just click on the link and you’ll receive a short nudge over the next 7 days. See it as your quiet moment of reflection to start off your day, help keep you on track, and off the train to stirred up thoughts!