Important September nudge & A Question
When I re-launched nudgeme it was to encourage us all to stop all the busyness, and have a different conversation with ourselves about how we’re spending our time.
My personal challenge was to share new ideas and strategies to yes, help us reclaim our agenda, but far more importantly, take back control of our thinking, design the life we want and experience much greater levels of fulfillment, ease and good times in 2015.
The question?
So my question is, with three months – or 96 days – left of this year, have you achieved that?
If your answer is yes, a massive congratulations, but if it’s a no, or a “not as much as I would have liked to”, then I’d love to share some ideas to help you remedy that.
The things that make all the difference
Based on the experience and feedback from the nudgeme small groups I’ve run this year, I’m more certain than ever that the biggest difference between those people who are breezing through life on their own terms, free to make the changes they want, experiencing real fulfillment and joy, and those who are not has something to do with these three things.
1 Mastering their state – that is consciously managing their thinking and how they talk to themselves. So, rather than blaming external situations, events or people when challenges arise – or finding themselves triggered by unconscious thoughts or beliefs – they take personal responsibility for how and who they are showing up as on a daily basis.
2 Accountability – making a non negotiable commitment to be accountable to an independent individual or group to keep them on track, and just as important, provide support and inspiration when things get tough.
3 Daring to have a different conversation in the first place – fuelled by a desire to keep growing and making the best of their life and relationships with the people around them.
Personal invitation
If this nudge resonates with you, and you have things you’d really like to achieve, change or resolve, it’s not too late to do something about that before another year is out. I invite you to consider joining our small club of ‘nudgers’ and give yourself the chance to have a different conversation with yourself, whilst experiencing the support of likeminded others to nudge you on.