What Makes A Problem a Problem?

What Makes A Problem a Problem?

I was thinking this morning how it’s been a while since I sent a nudge, and I thought what might be helpful to share in the current times.

I was looking though some previous nudges, and came across the following one on ‘what makes a problem a problem?’ I shared it back in 2018, and yet it feels more pertinent than ever today.

If I had a postscript it would be that I’ve put what I share below to the test again, and again and again, and, for me, it just rings even more true.

But please don’t take my word for it, test it out for yourself and see what occurs to you!

Problem solving can make things worse

For someone who has spent a lifetime believing that it helps to problem solve, that was a huge realisation when I realised that it often just caused me to get way more caught up in my thinking and further away from coming up with solutions.

I used to see it as an important part of my work, helping people to consider the issues and problems they were having, and then come up with a plan or strategy to help get them unstuck.

And sometimes it worked – or at least worked for a while, until another problem would present itself and the conversation to problem solve would start again!

Living less in your thoughts = less stress

Since coming across the understanding of how we create our experience, I now see problems very differently. I see that there’s the event, circumstance or situation that occurs, and then there’s all my thinking and speculating about them.

The more I’ve learned to live less in my thoughts, the easier it’s been to drop all that thinking. And in doing so, find that the answers inevitably present themselves. Often something I couldn’t possibly have imagined, or problem solved, occurs, and whatever seemed like a major problem at the time worked out in hindsight. It makes for a much less stressful way to live.


So, my sister just happened to call while I was writing this, and we chatted through the idea that problems are illusory. In her inimitable way, she paused and said “Tam, that’s all well and good and I kind of get it, but I’ve been learning about this understanding about thought for a good while now, and even I don’t see that one…of course a problem is a problem!!” She went on to give this example. “If I’ve got to find money by the end of the week that I don’t have, that’s a fact it’s not something I made up. Any one of us will have experienced all kinds of problems today, and reading that they are illusory would quite frankly p*** me off so it could be the people who read this might feel the same way!” Needless to say, we chatted some more, the essence of which I hope I’ve now captured below.

Just seeing the transitory nature of thought is enough

For me, the fact that I’ve come to understand the transitory nature of thought, and that how much of a problem I make something is down to my own thinking, has completely changed how I approach all ‘problems’. Just seeing that it is my own thoughts that first create what is and isn’t a problem, and then all the next level of thinking about how I’m going to respond to that – which is also only more thought – is usually enough to give me a buffer before the ifs, buts and maybes take me in an unhelpful direction! These days, that gives me just the nudge I need to more easily catch myself before generating more perceived problems about the illusory problem!

All that said, of course I’m only human so does this always work? No, far from it! But just seeing that both the problem and my thoughts about it can only ever come from my own thinking, gives me a chance to pause. And it’s in that space between the busy thoughts that more creative thinking naturally flows in if I let it. Seeing that’s how we work is what has caused me to have more confidence, and trust that something will come to mind, that fresh thought will come in and provide answers I can’t yet see!

I’d love to know what this brings up for you. And if you have any examples of where you’ve seen that life has a habit of working out in retrospect, would be great to hear them.

That’s your nudge for today! Have a great rest of your day/evening.

All the best


PS This is the type of conversation I’m having with people in my work now. Moving away from helping people to problem solve to pointing them in a different direction of how our experience is created in the first place. It makes for some wonderful conversations and insights that no amount of problem solving ever did! So if you’re experiencing ‘problems’ in life at the minute, I nudge you to consider having a different conversation, and just see what new perspectives might occur for you as a result.

Knowing vs Predicting

Knowing vs Predicting

I do hope you had a relaxing festive break, and that 2023 has got off to a good start.

When I sent out my last nudge about worry these two in the photo were only small pups, and I was predicting that life would never be the same again.

Well, I can happily report I was absolutely right, and we are loving having them as part of the family – there is no end to the joy they give us on a daily basis!

Living in a state of worry

My musings about worry certainly resonated, and it was good to read all your comments and thoughts on the subject. I don’t think you need to be a mind reader to see that many are still living in a state of worry this year. And very often for one of those key reasons I spoke of, which is our innocent habit of wanting to predict the future. In the case of the puppies it’s great to be proved right, but less so when we get caught up in negative thinking about imagined futures or worst case scenarios.

Knowing vs predicting

There is a huge difference between making up predictions about anything, and that sense of just knowing what you want to do, see happen or take place. Not least the difference in feeling and energy. For me, the former can come with streams of unhelpful thinking, which can feel stressful, tense, uncomfortable and immobilising. Where the latter just feels right and comes with a feeling of clarity, calm, and common sense, innate knowing of what best to do, or the next steps to take.

As the saying goes, when you know you know and there is such an ease that accompanies that.

Less thinking not more

We are so conditioned to get busy thinking when we have a difficult situation, issue or problem, but I’ve found that to be so counter productive. Not only is it a sure fire way to ratchet up the worry levels, but, more importantly, it takes us in the opposite direction of our quieter knowing. Left alone, any stirred up thinking will settle down, and when it does it leaves room for those quieter nudges of fresh thought, out of the blue ideas and common sense wisdom to flow.

Listening for, and then following, those knowing nudges has become such a way of life now, and I encourage you to notice the difference for yourself. Next time you start to have worrying thoughts, just see what happens when you leave that thinking alone. And I don’t mean getting busy with trying to manage or reframe your thoughts, or doing anything at all with them…that just continues the cycle. Rather, just as best you can, leave them alone and you’ll see how much more quickly they pass through.

As the thought dissipates, the uncomfortable feelings will naturally dissipate too. Then, from that calmer state of mind, you’ll leave space for your knowing to come through. Nothing on the outside might have changed, but everything on the inside feels different.

I hope this is helpful. As always, please don’t take my word for it, but see for yourself, and I’d love to hear what you notice.

All the best for now


Less Worry Challenge

An idea has been percolating to share more about why I, and the people I work with, no longer find ourselves worrying so much these days, and how that has given us so much more time, energy and peace of mind. So, in the spirit of following my knowing, I’d love to hear from you if you tend to worry, overthink, or just feel you’re currently living with a low hum of stress and would love to experience life without that this year. Just email me and I’ll be in touch.

A nudge About Worry

A nudge About Worry

It’s been a while since my last nudge! I hope you’re doing well despite the times we’re living through.

Given a lot of the news is less than cheerful, I hope this photo of my sister and her husband’s new cocker spaniel puppies, Finn and Paddy, will raise a smile or two – they arrived home yesterday and I suspect life will never be quite the same!?

How to worry less

I was thinking about what might be most helpful for my nudge today, and since I’m coming across a lot of people who are experiencing worry and anxious thinking, I wanted to share some thoughts on this.

As an expression my Pa used to share goes “worry is a bit like a rocking chair, it gives you something to do, but doesn’t get you anywhere“.

Thinking is very different to overthinking

The number one thing I see in my work is the better people get at noticing when they’ve started to go from thinking about something to overthinking about it, and take a pause to slow down, the better they instantly feel. Simply put, there’s the thinking you’ll naturally have about a situation or issue that’s on your mind, and then there’s all the overthinking you can start to layer on top about it – and it’s so often that which causes the worry to build.

Probably the top three reasons that come up for this are a need to be in control to create certainty for ourselves – especially in times of change – fear of the unknown, and the habit of rushing headlong into imagined futures rather than just being in life with what is.

1 The myth of control

I have some great conversations about this because as much as we all might like the feeling of being in control, and can make up all kinds of scenarios in an attempt to give ourselves a sense of certainty from that, there is so much when it boils down to it that we don’t control, or is just not up to us. And the key is that that’s okay … we don’t have to be in control for life to go well. I’ve seen time and time again, that life can have other ideas that work out far better than we could have imagined, and no amount of advance worrying and preparation make a difference.

As John Lennon said “Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans” and I have so come to see the truth in that!

2 Fear of the unknown

Now that I’m less concerned with the need to control outcomes, I get far less gripped by the fear of the unknown. I just see this as old patterns of conditioning, a means to protect ourselves when we’re going through changing times, or moving out of our comfort zones. Yes change can feel uncomfortable, but it only lasts as long as we’re thinking about it, and as our minds quieten down and we get fresh thought and clarity we invariably just know what to do next.

3 Life as it is vs imagined futures

Have you ever noticed that the more your mind is stirred up the greater the tendency for you to imagine all kinds of unhelpful, negative or worse case scenarios that never or rarely show up? In a calmer state of mind, it’s usually much easier to see the fact of a situation or issue – life as it is – and let go of the resistance we have about something occurring.

If we don’t like something that’s happening we can keep stirring the pot by coming up with all kinds of ‘what if’ scenarios, or made up thinking about what x or y means, or we can just stop. Put another way, it’s like poking yourself in the eye with a blunt pencil and wondering why it’s hurting, you can carry on or you can just put down the pencil.

That’s my nudge for today, and I do hope it helps if, as and when you find yourself starting to worry.

Have a lovely weekend, and all the very best for now


A nudge To Take Uncomfortable Feelings Less Seriously

A nudge To Take Uncomfortable Feelings Less Seriously

A nudge to take uncomfortable feelings less seriously

It’s been a while again since my last nudge, and I hope you’re having a lovely summer. I can’t get over the weather we’ve been having in the UK, although a little cooler on the boat today!

Depression and chemical imbalance link questioned

I’ve been thinking about some research that was in the news last week suggesting that depression may not be caused by a chemical imbalance (specifically low serotonin levels). *Based on a major review of prior research by University College London (UCL), the report’s authors are therefore questioning the use of (and increase in use of) antidepressants prescribed for this reason.

You can read the UCL news piece below and make your own conclusions, but I have felt uneasy for a long time now about the over prescribing that goes on. This can sometimes be referred to as ‘the medicalisation of feelings’, or human emotions. (I just looked up the term and medicalisation is described as the ‘process of taking non-medical problems and converting them into illnesses and disorders’ according to Conrad and Schneider 2010.)

Thought feeling, thought feeling link

Whatever your views, and I’m well aware there will be differing ones, depending on your own experience, I wanted to share a nudge today on taking all uncomfy feelings less seriously.

It actually came to me in the form of a question: “Why oh why do we spend so much time thinking about, or analysing, uncomfortable feelings, and yet spend far less time sitting in good feelings when we have them?

Aside from the obvious survival instinct that can drive us and cause this to happen, this is something I do less and less – both for myself and in my work – now that I see the link between a thought and a feeling. At its simplest, if we’re thinking what we would dub as happy or joyful thoughts, we’ll feel happy and joyful; when we’re thinking what we would dub as unhappy, sad or fearful thoughts, we’ll feel unhappy, sad or fearful.

The difficulty comes when we project those feelings on to an object or person or circumstance instead of just allowing the stream of thought-feeling, thought-feeling to naturally flow.

Rather, we’re so conditioned (and innocently so) to project what we’re feeling onto something, and when we do we fix it in place … it becomes rigid and no longer flows. Then it feels like the external object, person or circumstance has to change for our thoughts to change and for us to feel better….which takes so much longer.

Our state of mind is not fixed

What is more, our state of mind is not fixed. Our state of mind can change in a heartbeat as we have a fresh thought, or a new perspective, or we simply drop into a clearer state of mind. For instance, you know that way you can go to bed in a bad mood, or stirred up state, about something only to wake and feel much better in the morning. Nothing has changed, yet you just feel better.

I’ve come to see that this capacity resides in us, we don’t have to do anything for it to work for us.

That is such a good example of the transient nature of thoughts and states of mind just being of the moment … that is, whatever is crossing our mind at any given time. And it’s not about trying not to think, and thus feel, or being permanently Zen like. There is no point (even if we could) trying to contrive better feelings as nothing is fixed anyway … as thoughts pass through, feelings pass with them. And that includes for people who have previously felt let down by the system, or a diagnosis, which has left them feeling at a loss or sadly hopeless.

Less need for the world to be different

Seeing uncomfy feelings for what they are means you start to feel less trapped in the feelings of thoughts you’re taking seriously. It’s only human that sometimes thoughts will feel more ‘sticky’ than others, and at other times you’ll ignore them. But either way, I and the people I work with, feel less in the trap of needing the world to be different to feel okay than we used to, and the implications of that are huge – not to mention a lot more hopeful.

I would dearly love to hear what comes to mind, or resonates for you, from this nudge so do let me know here.

All the very best for now


*UCL news – No evidence that depression is caused by low serotonin levels, finds comprehensive review https://www.ucl.ac.uk/news/2022/jul/no-evidence-depression-caused-low-serotonin-levels-finds-comprehensive-review

NB as is referenced in the news piece, it is never advisable to come off medication without prior discussion with your doctor. As I often say to people, don’t take mine, or anyone else’s word for things. You have your own inner wisdom to guide you, be that being called to do your own research, or trusting your instincts, you are the expert on you.



A nudge About Where Peace of Mind Lies

A nudge About Where Peace of Mind Lies

If you read my Easter nudge, you’lI know I shared some photos from my recent trip to the tulip gardens in Amsterdam. I had so many photos that I couldn’t resist sharing a couple more! For those of you who did see it, thanks for your lovely comments and emails … so glad the nudge resonated.

Peace of mind exists in the moment

Picking up on my previous theme of living more in your life than in your thoughts, I’ve come to see that peace of mind is always more accessible in the moment.

Picture for a minute how much energy can be expended on overthinking a (seemingly) problematic issue, situation, circumstance or relationship from the past – or imagined in the future – not to mention how much of your time that can waste.

Have you noticed how often that the more you overthink it, the more stirred up and uncomfortable you can start to feel?

Missing from the moment

I call this ‘missing from the moment’. Because once those noisy thoughts start to clog up your mind, it can set off a train of thought that can be hard to jump off, taking us out of our present life where we actually are.

It also leaves so much less space for fresh thinking and clarity to naturally come in.

We can’t control the noisy thinking, or endless thoughts that can loop around our heads, but we can see them for what they are … just thoughts crossing our mind, and, if left alone, will just pass through.

No more real than watching a film

If you’ve ever watched a film and thought about it long after it ended, that’s such a good metaphor for the nature of thought.

Although we know that a film isn’t real life, it doesn’t mean we don’t feel it as real when we’re watching it. It explains why years ago with the earliest movies people ran out of the cinemas when they saw a train coming towards them on the screen.

The same applies to our personal thinking. Once we’re off on a train of thought, it’s no more true than watching a made up film or tv programme. But if we were to watch a film focusing on all the special effects or direction that had gone into its production, it wouldn’t make it very enjoyable … much the same with life.

It’s just that thoughts create feelings and so we experience them as real.

And much like a scary movie I can always walk out of, it’s lovely to know that’s how thoughts work too. Seeing the thought/feeling connection means there’s nothing to overthink, change or do. If I’m not thinking it, I’m not feeling it, my mind naturally settles and I’m back in the present moment.

Wishing you a great rest of your Friday and a peaceful weekend.

All the best for now


PS And here’s some hyacinths in Amsterdam – the smell was amazing!


peace of mind
A nudge About Living Vs Thinking and Happy Easter

A nudge About Living Vs Thinking and Happy Easter

A couple of weeks ago my sister and I spent a wonderful weekend visiting friends in Amsterdam. We were really lucky to be there while the Keukenhof Tulip Gardens were open, and it was the most magical experience … a little of which I’ve tried to capture above and below!

If felt very strange to be travelling, and made me think of how much life has been put on hold these past couple of years. And how easy it can be to live more in your thoughts about life than actually living life. And all the more so when life feels tough and challenging such as current world events, which are occupying all of our minds at the moment….

Living more in your life and less in your thoughts

It was a big revelation to me when I saw there’s a world of difference between living in our lives and living in our thoughts about life. And I’ve come to see that life often lives us far better than our imagination often serves us.

Living in the moment and showing up to life as it happens is so much kinder than getting caught up in our thoughts about what we think has gone before, or what we think might happen in the future.

Getting more comfortable with insecure thinking

Once I saw that I’m always living in the experience of my moment to moment thinking about whatever is going on in my life, l got a lot more comfortable with insecure thinking. I saw that the more stirred up my thoughts were, the more insecure thinking would likely creep in – especially when I had a lot of thinking going on! Just knowing that’s all it is – insecure thinking in the moment – can be enough to settle our thoughts and drop back into the present moment, which has a quieter, more spacious feel to it. I saw that it was pointless to ‘stir the pot’ because when my mind settled down, any insecure thinking would disappear.

So my nudge for Easter is just to check in with yourself and see if you’re living a little too much in your thoughts rather than in your life, and to see the difference just noticing that makes.

Wishing you a relaxing and peaceful Easter holidays.

All the best for now


PS If you’d like to explore what life can be like living more in your life and less in your thoughts, then do consider joining The Miraculous Book Club. Run virtually over 8 weeks, it’s a chance to take a step back and experience freedom from worry and stress once and for all. Just click on the link to read more about it, and see how others benefited from taking part last year.

Living vs thinking

A nudge About ‘Me Time’ this Valentine’s Day

A nudge About ‘Me Time’ this Valentine’s Day

Well it’s that time of year and a bit like marmite, whether you love it or not, Valentine’s Day is here again.

It represents a couple of things for me like taking a moment to appreciate our loved ones for a starter – although I hope you don’t need a specific date to do that!? But just as importantly it can be a chance to check in on ourselves, and see how much time you’ve been giving to you recently?

‘Me time’ is not selfish


‘Me time’ has to begin with stopping the busyness, and getting good at carving out guilt-free, time out for ourselves.

Take a minute now to ask yourself this question: out of a 100 per cent what percentage would you say you’re currently spending on 1 Me time 2 Personal time (partner, children, family, friends) 3 Work (paid/unpaid) job/business … however you’re spending the majority of your day time?

Looking at how you scored, what thoughts come up for you immediately? Does that feel like the right balance for you? And, if not, what might you do to create greater balance across all three areas?

My nudges are all about having a different conversation with ourselves so we’re living with less stress and greater ease. So whatever Valentine’s Day means to you, I wish you a lovely rest of your day, including taking some ‘me time’ for yourself!

All the best for now



PS If life feels out of balance for you, make this the year when you do something different. There’s a way to reduce your stress levels and expand your time without having to change or do anything extra, and I’d love to share that with you so you experience more sustainable peace of mind, wellbeing and joy in 2022.

When you’re ready there are a couple of immediate ways to begin.

1 My free insights series for ‘Living in the Flow’ a good introduction to the understanding I share.

2 My Freedom from Worry and Stress Challenge – 8 Weeks to Greater Wellbeing and Resilience – just click on the link to see how others benefited from taking part last year and how it works. Numbers are limited and I’ll be announcing the dates for the next one soon, so if this talks to you drop me an email to be one of the first to know… JFDI!

A New Year nudge About Creating More Time

A New Year nudge About Creating More Time

I hope the New Year has got off to a good start for you, and you’re continuing to feel the benefit of the festive break.

I’m well aware that could be a case of famous last words, as I’m already speaking with people who are back into the usual busyness, and already feeling the stress.

So, in thinking about my New Year nudge, I wanted to share a reflection about creating more time, and yes I have found it’s possible!

There’s always an easier time to do something

This one thing probably sounds so simple, but has made the world of difference to me and the people I work with. And a good example of this is writing this nudge. Yesterday, no matter how long I sat at the computer, the words were just not coming. And the more I overthought things, the more frustrated I felt.

Today, having decided to leave it alone and come back to it, various ideas came to mind, and the words are just flowing.

It’s only me putting the pressure on

Since it’s rarely a life or death situation, I’ve come to see it’s only ever me who is putting myself under pressure to get something done by a certain time and in a certain way. I’d got this idea yesterday that it was ‘blue Monday’ so that would be a good hook to hang my nudge on. But the more I thought about it the more I thought that discussing a made up idea – turns out Blue Monday is just a marketing ploy that a travel company came up with to get us to book holidays (who knew…) – didn’t feel very helpful!

Expanding time by just starting

Expanding time as I’ve come to see it on the other hand felt like a useful nudge! And the way I’ve found this works is that there’s the thing that you want to do or needs doing, and then there’s all the thinking you can have about it. Whereas if you just get started there’s a natural momentum that builds, and before you know it the thing is done, which saves so much time.

Follow your energy

And when you don’t feel like it, I’ve found it’s pretty pointless forcing yourself. As I said above, there’s always a time when your energy levels lift, or something naturally shifts or comes to mind, that just puts you back in the flow of taking action.

Alternatively, you can do what my sister calls JFDI… the polite version of which is just do it! This gets a whole lot easier when you’re living more in your life and less in your thoughts!

That’s my nudge to help create more time in 2022, and I hope you find it helpful. Don’t take my word for it, just notice what happens when you allow yourself to show up to life and follow where your energy takes you – it not only saves so much time, but makes for a much nicer way to live.

All the best for now


PS If you feel time starved then make this the year when you do something different. There’s a way to reduce your stress levels and expand your time without having to change or do anything extra, and I’d love to share that with you so you experience more sustainable peace of mind, wellbeing and joy in 2022. You can start now with my free insights series for ‘Living in the Flow’ a good introduction to the understanding I share.

Happy Christmas

Happy Christmas

Just a short and sweet email to wish you a peaceful and relaxing holidays, including a pic of the traditional Christmas Light Up on my Marine and boat where I live!

It was lovely to hear from so many of you following my last nudge About Believing your Thoughts, and I look forward to connecting more via my nudges in the New Year.

When I was pondering what nudge to share today, I was drawn to go back to a previous nudge I sent a few years back at Christmas where I shared a well known, funny, short YouTube video called ‘The Nothing Box’.

I know communications with our important people can sometimes be a bit stressful leading up to and over the holidays. So, in the spirit of wishing everyone as stress free time as possible, this is an amusing take on how men and women can communicate differently!

Watching it again today, I still laughed out loud, albeit it struck me that it’s perhaps less helpful these days to focus on what makes us different, and way more helpful to embrace what makes us similar.

And one thing I’ve come to see is that we all have access to a Nothing Box.

Or, as I share in my work, a space inside where we can always go to experience a quieter state of mind, and from there we invariably find ourselves surfacing refreshed and more easily seeing how best to communicate!

I hope the video raises a smile or two for you, as well as a gentle nudge to remind you of your Nothing Box, and how helpful it can be to know it’s there anytime you need it.

Wishing you a lovely Christmas, and here’s to a wonderful New Year for us all.

Warmest best wishes and love


A nudge About Believing Your Thoughts

A nudge About Believing Your Thoughts

It’s been a while since my last nudge and I hope you’re keeping well.

I took this picture on the River this week, and the string of boats reminded me of a string of thoughts, and how one thought can quickly lead to another…sometimes causing us to worry, stress or feel anxious about what we’re thinking.

In my last nudge on wellbeing, I shared that I’ve come to see all thoughts as neutral until we breathe life into them, or give them a meaning. So, it got me thinking about a question:

How do you know what thoughts to believe?”

Or put another way, what causes us to buy into some thoughts and not others?

I think we get so used to living on autopilot that we don’t often stand back and question what we think. Or give ourselves a chance to see an issue, situation or person with a fresh perspective…a chance to change our mind, or reflect on long held beliefs that might be limiting us or holding us back in this moment.

This is where my nudging is so enjoyable, as it offers an opportunity for people to take a fresh look and experience a renewed freedom and peace of mind. This can feel so much nicer than continuing to live with what I refer to as that background hum of stress, or heavier feeling that can weigh us down when something is playing on our minds.

It’s at those times that it can be so compelling to keep churning things over and over in the hopes of finding a solution…something I certainly used to do a lot! But I’ve found that only serves to create more noise in my head and keep my thoughts spinning.

These days, I do the exact opposite and encourage people I work with to do the same. And that is to get quiet and leave their thinking alone. This can be easier said than done, but I’ve learnt that it pays to wait for my mind to settle down…and from that quieter state, things invariably look different, and fresh answers inevitably come to me. I don’t always manage it of course, but seeing that’s just what naturally happens when we have less on our mind makes for the world of difference.

So how might you answer the question: “How do you know what thoughts to believe?” I’d love to hear what percolates for you!

I hope you found this nudge helpful. Please do share it with anyone who you feel might be living with that hum of stress, or doing battle with their thoughts, and who might benefit from a different perspective.

All the very best for now
