It was Mental Health Awareness Week here in the UK last week, and today I was nudged into action to share some thoughts in a video, which I attach below.

I have to say that recording videos is probably one of the fastest ways for me to get caught up in overthinking!? So the easiest way for me to get past all that is just press record and see where the conversation takes me! It’s a big conversation so the video is longer than usual, but I hope you’ll bear with me.

A couple of highlights include some things I feel are currently missing in the current debate, including how helpful it can be to:

see that just because any of us might be experiencing stressful, difficult or hard times, it doesn’t mean there’s anything inherently wrong with us

listen for a person’s mental health versus listening to diagnose, and

keep an open mind to think again when it comes to your own, or anyone else’s, mental health … rather than judging yourself, or them, for whatever you, or they, might be experiencing in the moment.

I’d love to hear what you think about what I’m sharing so if you could spare a minute do let me know any thoughts or fresh insights that percolate.

I know this is a topic that can stir up all kinds of thoughts, but I’d love it if you could just take a look with as little on your mind as possible, and join in the conversation!

Here’s some links I reference in the video

Mental Health Awareness Week 2017 – A nudge about overthinking and mental wellbeing

Mental Health Awareness Week 2019 – What if it’s okay to not feel okay

A nudge about the way we think

Getting comfortable with the unknown

A nudge and message for our times

Free ‘Living in the Flow‘ email series, a good introduction to this understanding I share about the nature of thought to help you experience greater peace of mind.

I do hope you find this nudge helpful. Please do share it with anyone who you feel could benefit from being part of this conversation.

All the very best for now
