Happy 2019 … and some New Year reflections
I hope you had a wonderful break and New Year!
I’ve kicked off 2019 a little differently, starting with posting this pic of a New Year River walk on my Instagram feed and Facebook page, with the caption ‘Happy meandering New Year’!
The word ‘meandering’ had come to mind so I looked up the definition … ‘moving slowly in no particular direction‘ … no big new year’s resolutions, just a wonderful word that encaptures living more in the flow, and a simpler intention that feels so much nicer!
Hold up, a coach that’s advocating meandering, rather than setting fixed goals or making plans??
Well, yes and no! I’ve never been keen on resolutions as they don’t tend to work! I’m more for allowing a little time for reflection, creating some space for a clearer mind, room for new thought and ideas to naturally flow, and then following your quieter nudges that excite or inspire you … so happy meandering New Year!
Inspired action beats overthinking or planning hands down
I’ve come to see that there’s a natural momentum that starts to build with inspired action … we’re far more likely to follow through than when we’re forcing ourselves to act from a place of having to do something. That can so quickly result in getting busy, making ‘to do’ lists, and then beating ourselves up when we don’t stick to our plans or things don’t go our way.
A good example is thinking I should get my ‘nudge’ out. Instead of sweating it, I just trusted the inspiration would strike and here it is getting written.
‘If I’m making a cake and it fails it becomes a pudding …‘
In the spirit of meandering this morning, inspiration came in the form of a YouTube video I was drawn to where three 100+ year olds shared their experiences of life.
I just LOVE the quote above from one of them describing making a cake. It’s such a good example of doing something he enjoys, but with no attachment to how it works out. Rather than any overthinking or pressure, he just immediately sees things in a lighthearted way. And THAT’s exactly what I’m wanting us to experience more of this year.
There are some other lovely stories and wisdom in this short video, which inspired me this morning, and I hope they inspire you too!

Last year, back in the summer, I ran ‘100 Days to Create Something Miraculous‘ – a chance to choose something you’d love to create in your life that would feel miraculous for you if it happened.
The whole idea was less about focusing on outcomes, and way more about learning new ways to approach things, opening up to new possibilities and seeing new things about yourself, from a completely different energy. Not another thing for your ‘to do list’! No over planning, pushing, stressing or striving, but the opportunity to play with an idea, see what occurs, feels fun, enjoyable and exciting with nothing on it. Moving past all the “but what ifs….to why not?”
The feedback I got was wonderful and has convinced me more than ever of the benefits to be gained from Living more in the Flow.
Like Billie who was keen to create more time in her life …
“The one thing I have experienced that has helped me so very much is the need to live in the moment. I tend to always delay things that I don’t want to do and then overthink them and worry about them. If you just get on and do the task, it is never as bad as the overthinking makes it out to be. It also saves you so much time to enjoy moments without to do lists and tasks hanging over your head. Already I have stopped letting thoughts control me and am doing things as and when they come, and also switching off and living the important moments.“
And Andrea who no longer feels the need to over plan …
“I have learned that there is no need to overthink and over plan a project or idea. By going with the flow I have experienced that new thoughts and avenues miraculously open up themselves. I have gained the insight not to look too far into the future and rather live more in the here and now and enjoy the journey rather than look to the outcome. Things seem to have a way of working themselves out, sometimes in a way you could not have foreseen anyway.“
I’d love you to consider joining us this year. To kick off, I’ve created a series of ‘nudges’ to whet your appetite. Nothing to do, you’ll just receive a daily insight over the next 7 days sharing some ideas about what Living in the Flow means in practice. Just click the link to receive the first one in your inbox!
That’s it for today – consider yourself nudged until the next time!