Living in the Flow for less stress and greater peace of mind...
I hope you’ve enjoyed the email exploration into the nature of our experience, and started to see how this understanding becomes a game changer for greater freedom and peace of mind.
Just think…how would it feel to be Living more in the Flow and not get hijacked/caught up in the thoughts that can stop you? What might be possible then?
Here’s what others had to say when they did!
It has had a positive impact at work where I have stopped getting annoyed with certain situations, not getting carried away with reading too much into them. I have started to accept that everyone has a different understanding of certain situations. It’s also helped in my private life – not letting negative thoughts stop me from exploring new things.”
Living in the Flow Exploration
Step back from the ‘busyness’ and join me in an exploration into Living in the Flow – a moment to breathe and focus on what’s most important to you. A chance to design your life for the better so you’re living more consciously and feeling way more content, joyful and navigating life with greater energy and ease
Living in the Flow can mean different things for different people, but these are some of the benefits people have experienced:
More freedom and peace of mind – a carefree state of mind beats control
Way more energy and time on their hands now that worry takes up less of their day
Enjoying life and work so much more – a clearer mind leaves room for ideas/solutions to flow, resulting in inspired action not forced
More resourceful – less on your mind leaves it free to listen, be more open to work better with colleagues, or support family and friends in times of struggle and explore new ways of handling difficulties
Taking things/people less personally – greater compassion and understanding

Here’s how it works!
So, I’ve come up with three different opportunities for you to continue your own exploration into how you can be Living more in the Flow in your own life.
1 Join a small group conversation. Group conversations take place at my home in Earlsfield, South West London. They run for a couple of hours in a relaxed and informal way with drinks and light refreshments.
2 Virtual webinar. For those who can’t make it in person – if you live abroad or would find it hard to travel to London – we get together as a group on line. Dates and times are finalised based on number of interested participants and time zones.
After the group conversation, you’ll have the opportunity to stay engaged if you choose, and have further conversations to design your life from Living in the Flow, whilst getting ongoing encouragement and support from a likeminded group.
Small group conversation cost: £75 in person/£30 virtual webinar
3 One-to-one session. If groups are not your thing, and you’d prefer to continue your exploration on a one-to-one basis, we’ll set up a good time to have a private conversation about the things you’d most like to happen, and ways to navigate what’s stopping you through Living more in the Flow.
One hour telephone session: £125
And here’s more feedback on Living in the Flow
Tamsin’s initial workshop inspired me and really made me think. I came away inspired, motivated and with a much better understanding of why I behave in the way I do, how lopsidily my life is organised and how much more fulfilled I could be…and the means to change all this was right there in my hand.
Continuing on with the nudgeme club has given me just the accountability I need to follow through. Being part of the nudgers group has transformed the way I approach my life, and the way I deal with hurdles and face challenges in growing my business. I don’t know where I would be without it. Tamsin has just the right combination of knowledge, insight, empathy and supportiveness (and she can be tough as well – that’s necessary!). I’ve found the group dynamic supportive and helpful. I can’t imagine not being part of it.”

Living Life in the Flow by design not default
I hope you’ll join me on my mission for us all to be Living more in the Flow and experiencing much greater levels of fulfilment, ease and good times as a result. If that sounds good to you, then hit the button below, and let me know which option works best for you. Or, if you have any questions at all, just ask and I’ll come back to you. I know how busy we can all get and how life can take over, but if you want less stress and more peace of mind this year, invest a little time in you – we’re a friendly bunch and you’re going to be pleasantly surprised!