Welcome to nudgeme

Live More in Your Life and Less in Your Thoughts
Different conversation

Hello…I’m Tamsin Butters, and I’m a recovering overthinker! I work with busy minded individuals and business owners who want to think less and free up more time for themselves without having to do anything extra.

The natural way to reduce stress

There is a little known, natural way to experience greater ease, freedom and peace of mind, and once people see how possible this is, there’s no going back to the old stressful busyness!

It’s amazing how we can all feel the difference in how we live, work and play when we get a new perspective on how we create our experience. And the best bit about it is it only takes you to take a fresh look!

If you sometimes feel:

I wish I could stop overthinking everything, and worry less

It would be so lovely to handle change and uncertainty better

I’d love to create more time for myself to get to the things I want to

I want to feel less pressure and enjoy my work more

… or you just long to feel more fulfilled

it can just take a nudge in a different direction to change things for the better.

Freedom from stress

See how much less stressful life can be when you’re living more in your life and less in your thoughts  – and you might well find that what seemed difficult or impossible to change in fact does.

Happier work and business life

Happier employees and business owners know that the quality of their state of mind dictates all. Success isn’t about working long hours and harder or the latest marketing fad, it’s about capitalising on you and your team’s natural resourcefulness and potential.

“In Tamsin, I know I’ve found a business coach who’s one in a million. If you’re considering whether or not to work with her, my advice would be to think of some of those conversations that you’ve had with yourself, and left unresolved in your mind – and then come back to time and again. Here is someone you can share those conversations with, who isn’t a Ms Fixit, and will manage to help you replay them with yourself so that YOU come up with some sort of movement forward that you couldn’t come up with before. That really is quite something.”
Pete, Director

Your Miraculous Book Club I engaged in came at me left field, but it reset my thinking and put me in touch with my innate sense of wellbeing, which I know is at my core and is something I can call upon in difficult times. In fact, I do not need to call on it, it simply kicks in.

After feeling some initial resistance, I set aside any scepticism and just let my natural thought processes kick in. Understanding the transitory nature of thought and yes, its inherent lack of meaning or consequence has enabled me to become more resilient and yes happier.  I find it much easier to get in the flow, which is when the best things come to me and so I hope to others. This has benefited me in both my personal and professional life.

I wanted to thank you for this gift and to acknowledge that the way you approach this really makes a difference. Thanks so much and I look forward to more.


CEO Charitable Sector

“Thanks so much for a great coaching session! I now feel very light, calm and trust that the next steps will unfold naturally. It was so helpful to have you reflect and point out recurrent themes, some I’d identified and several that I hadn’t. ‘Sped up’ thought resonated in particular!! Thank you so much again, very well worth the time and investment!”

Naomi, London

Trawl for Gold on the River Blog

Do keep in touch via my Blog entitled Trawl for Gold on the River – so named after an apt expression used by my father to always look for the best in situations and life. And on the River? Because that’s where I live! Look forward to sharing some different conversations with you there.

A nudge About How Well We Work

A nudge About How Well We Work

At last the sunshine has come out in the UK, and, for those of you living here, I hope you’ve been able to make the most of it. This is the view just down from my mother’s home in Berkshire where I had a lovely walk recently! How well we work In my last nudge, I...

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